City of Tumwater, WA
Home Sitemap ContactStrategic Priorities, Vision, Mission, & Beliefs
Strategic Priorities
Build a Community Recognized for Quality, Compassion, and Humanity
- Support and advance intergenerational housing opportunities.
- Implement the Tumwater Housing Action Plan.
- Work with Regional Housing Authority to support regional programs and affordable housing.
- Explore alternative building materials for housing.
- Continue to streamline permitting processes for development and construction projects.
- Continue to maintain and advance positive Tribal Relations.
- Implement Metropolitan Parks District Commitments including planning for and siting a community center.
- Develop a citywide trail system.
- Develop innovative partnerships and strategies with community human and social services organizations to improve service delivery to people in need, including senior citizens, low-income residents, and others.
- Review current water shutoff policies through an equity framework.
Be a Leader in Environmental Health and Sustainability
- Engage the community on the benefits of environmentally sustainable practices.
- Promote community involvement in environmental programs, including highlighting local career pathways for students.
- Decarbonize new and existing City buildings whenever practicable.
- Sufficiently resource programs identified in the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan and Urban Forestry Management Plans and prioritize implementation.
- Evaluate energy savings through resource sharing, recovery, and reuse concepts, including pilot Energy District demonstration projects.
- Assess climate change vulnerabilities of City infrastructure and resources.
- Promote a higher level of environmental and community protection through the integration of ecosystem services and environmental justice for City actions, where feasible.
- Continue to fund and promote septic-to-sewer conversions.
- Continue to ensure ample drinking water supply and support water reuse opportunities.
- Improve overall habitat and water quality by assessing fish passages, removing obstructions, converting urban-density septic systems, and collaborating with area Tribes.
Create and Maintain a Transportation System Safe for All Modes of Travel
- Continue implementation of the Capitol Boulevard Plan.
- Implement transportation components of the Brewery District Plan.
- Continue to improve maintenance and interconnectivity of a bicycle and pedestrian system.
- Continue implementation of and evaluate new funding sources for the Sidewalk Program.
- Update Transportation Impact Fee Program and Transportation Plan.
- Provide a safe, efficient, and cost-effective transportation system.
- Continue improving the maintenance of the transportation system.
- Demonstrate the importance and impact of the Transportation Benefit District.
- Explore opportunities to extend multimodal transportation facilities to areas of the City outside the urban core.
Provide and Sustain Quality Public Safety Services
- Complete and begin implementation of the Law Enforcement Strategic Growth Plan.
- Complete and begin implementation of the Fire Department Strategic Plan.
- Ensure timely, efficient, and effective public safety response in our community.
- Explore and implement partnerships to improve efficiency of service delivery.
- Evaluate and promote City programs to reduce risk to life and property throughout our community.
- Develop innovative initiatives and programs to address growing service demands.
Pursue and Support Targeted Community and Economic Development Opportunities
- Update and Implement the City’s Economic Development Plan.
- Support the Tumwater Craft movement.
- Facilitate brownfield revitalization in the Brewery District and Capitol Boulevard Corridor.
- Use strategic targeted public investment to leverage private and other sources of investment.
- Establish a development climate that stimulates economic development, consistent with the comprehensive plan.
- Promote opportunities to implement Town Center/City Square mixed-use concepts.
- Promote economic development strategies with a “triple bottom line” – people, planet, and prosperity - sustainability perspective.
- Complete and implement the Habitat Conservation Plan.
Refine and Sustain a Great Organization
- Be good stewards of public funds by following sustainable financial strategies.
- Update the non-represented employee compensation plan.
- Attract, retain, and promote a talented and diverse workforce.
- Create a dynamic culture of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
- Support an environment of continuous learning and improvement, including Council.
- Enhance recruitment through new partnerships.
- Study compensation for commissions and boards.
- Review plans, policies, and documents for potentially racist and biased language.
Strategic Priorities and Goals
Vision, Mission, & Beliefs
Our Vision
Tumwater of the future will be people-oriented and highly livable, with a strong economy, dynamic places, vibrant neighborhoods, a healthy natural environment, diverse and engaged residents, and living connection to its history.
Our Mission
In active partnership with our community, we provide courageous leadership and essential municipal services to cultivate a prosperous economy, a healthy natural environment, vibrant neighborhoods, and a supportive social fabric.
We Believe in P-E-O-P-L-E
We respect the diverse people that make up the social fabric of our community and strive to be inclusive of all people. We value and seek to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods, that are cornerstones of civic life and community identity. As we pursue our goals and the long-term sustainability of the City organization, we value the contributions and diversity of our staff, support their continued personal and professional growth, and act to retain their expertise for the good of the community.
We strive for excellence and integrity in providing City services. By providing quality services, being responsible and efficient stewards of public resources, and empowering employees to achieve excellence, we continue to build public trust and encourage civic involvement. We know that excellence does not have to come at the price of our sense of community or our small city character.
We seize opportunities to improve our community’s social, environmental, and economic well-being. We endeavor to realize positive opportunities in adverse situations and periods of change.
We work collaboratively with residents, businesses, and community organizations. We also actively partner with other jurisdictions to address regional, state, and even broader issues.
We are a learning organization which strives to benefit from past experience, foresight, and innovation to seek new ways to enhance the community and improve City operations and services.
We act to preserve and enhance the natural environment and the social fabric of our community.