City of Tumwater, WA
Home Sitemap ContactE Street Connection
Funding Request
A Regional Traffic Solution
Our region is growing. Traffic congestion and delays are increasing along the current east-west route on surface streets with limited carrying capacity. A new transportation corridor is needed for connectivity, accessibility, and traffic mobility, providing increased capacity for moving goods and people.
The proposed E Street Connection would build a new east-west transportation corridor from Capitol Boulevard to Cleveland Avenue (Yelm Highway) at E Street. This project would fill a critical need by providing a direct, safe, and efficient transportation route for 28,200 vehicles per day, 80% of which are regional commuters and commercial vehicles. The proposed route would include a bridge, two roundabouts, and multi-modal features. The bridge, as depicted in the conceptual drawing, is approximately 1350 feet in length and would cross the Deschutes River and a rail line that sees regular traffic serving the Port of Olympia.
The conceptual drawing was developed for use during planning and funding. The route's location and access from Cleveland Avenue and Capitol Boulevard will be determined during the design phase.
City Investment
The City is seeking Transportation Budget funding for design, engineering, permitting, and right-of-way acquisition to build a new east-west connection. An alternative analysis and feasibility plan have been completed.
- Preliminary Design: $312,000 spent using Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds with a local match.
- Realignment of Tumwater Valley Drive away from E Street: $1,800,000 spent using local funds.
This new transportation route would support economic development in the region and reduce traffic congestion within the City.
Contact Us
Lisa Parks, City Administrator
Debbie Sullivan, Mayor
Mary Heather Ames, Transportation Manager