City of Tumwater, WA
Home Sitemap ContactHistoric Preservation Commission
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission is authorized under TMC 2.62.040 to advise the City Council on matters of Tumwater history and historic preservation. The major responsibility of the Commission is to identify and actively encourage preservation of the City's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the City's history and historic resources; and to serve as the City's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation.
The Commission is responsible for submittal of nominations to the State and National Registers of Historic Places and serves as the local review board, making determination concerning the eligibility of historic properties for special valuation and verifying that the improvements are consistent with the Washington State Advisory Council's Standards for Rehabilitation and Maintenance.
Terms & Residency
This commission consists of seven members, serving terms of three years. Members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Residency requirements are exempt for two positions per TMC 2.62.040, to ensure that at least two representatives are from the professional disciplines specified in the ordinance.
Commissioner | Term Expiration |
1. David C. Shipley, Chair (Professional) |
10/31/2026 |
2. Alex Rossiter, Vice Chair |
10/31/2026 |
3. Marnie Slakey |
10/31/2025 |
4. Don Trosper | 10/31/2027 |
5. David Nicandri (Professional) |
10/31/2027 |
6. Rob Paylor |
10/31/2027 |
7. Renee Radcliff Sinclair |
10/31/2025 |
Staff Contact
Chuck Denney, Parks & Recreation Director,
Historic Preservation Commission Meetings
Meetings are scheduled every month on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Tumwater City Hall, 555 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. Visit the City Calendar for the current meeting schedule.
Current & Past Meetings
For Meeting Agenda & Packet information please visit the City Meetings webpage. For meeting records from prior years, search the Tumwater Records Center.
Accessibility & Accommodations
The City of Tumwater takes pride in ensuring that people with disabilities are able to take part in, and benefit from, the range of public programs, services, and activities offered by the City.
To request an accommodation or alternate format of communication, email the City Clerk or call