In 2024, the city completed a lead service line inventory as required by the US Environmental Protection Agency 2021 Lead and Copper Rule Revision. The rule requires the composition be determined for all service lines. This includes both city and private line ownership.
The ownership, and therefore responsibility for maintenance of the service line, depends on which side of the meter the line is on. The line located between the main (usually found in the middle of the street) to the meter is owned and maintained by the city. The line between the meter to the building is owned and maintained by the property owner. See the following figure for more information.
The inventory determined that there are no known lead service lines or galvanized service lines requiring replacement.
To make this determination, a review of engineering records, permit documents, work orders, field books, city ordinances, development guides and codes, and county and city geographic information system data and maps was completed. Prior to 1992, the city relied on the review of the APWA standard specifications to determine possible service line materials.
To further check the service lines, 374 meters were randomly selected for visual inspection to confirm the material used for both the public and private side of the service line. The findings were applied to the remaining unknown service lines through a statistical method approved by the Washington Department of Health.