City of Tumwater, WA
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Tumwater Island annexation
Annexation into the city
Annexation is the process of expanding the city limits to include properties currently outside the city. Some of the reasons given by applicants for annexing to Tumwater is greater access to city water, sewer, elected officials, and emergency services. Annexation is a requirement for hooking up to city water or sewer services.
The city has one councilmember for every 3,100 residents, whereas the county only has one commissioner for every 97,000 residents. As of 2020, Tumwater provides over two times as many officers per thousand residents than Thurston County. The city provides 1.34 commissioned officers per thousand residents, whereas the county provides 0.60 commissioned officers per thousand residents.
If the annexation is not possible, for example, the property is too far away from the city limits, the property owner may sign a Power of Attorney (POA) in exchange for access to city water or sewer. The POA, often referred to as an annexation agreement, allows the city to annex the property in the future.
Process for annexation
Annexation is governed by State law (RCW 35A.14). Due to the specific procedures and timelines spelled out in the RCWs, annexations take close to a year to complete and involve multiple public meetings and hearings. The city has the right to refuse to annex any property. More information on annexations can be found in the Annexation Handbook by the Municipal Research and Services Center.
Services and taxes after annexation
The most common concerns expressed about annexation relate to costs and service changes.
In most cases, utility providers will remain the same after annexation. However there are some differences between the city and the county in taxes and fees that apply to utilities. Your overall property tax may be lower because you will no longer pay county road tax after annexation. Utilities may be slightly higher because the city assesses a 6% utility tax on private utilities to help pay for park acquisition and maintenance, capital facilities, and general city services.
Completed Annexations
Littlerock Road (auction yard & power lines vicinity)
Completed and effective January 9, 2018 (Ordinance No. O2017-031 & 032)
806 Yelm Highway
Completed and effective June 4, 2018 (Ordinance No. O2018-012)
Sapp Road
Completed and effective September 11, 2018 (Ordinance No. O2018-024)
Map of Completed Annexations from 1916 to 2022
Find information about specific annexations in the Tumwater Records Center using the ordinance number.
Contact Us
If you have questions or are considering applying for annexation please call the Community Development Department at 360-754-4180.